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Principal's Message



Welcome Back to School!

Hello South Cruisers and Families!

Welcome to the 2020/2021 school year! While we are certainly starting the year differently than in years past, we are still destined to have a great school year together! 

Albert Einstein told us “In the midst of difficulty lies opportunity.” This year we are full of opportunities. Together, we will learn more about technology and how we use it to influence the world around us, how to communicate with each other in new and innovative ways, we will take ownership over our own learning to maximize our potential, and we will care for ourselves, families, and friends.

As the year progresses, I want to extend a welcome to you to call my office or e-mail me with any questions, comments, concerns, or suggestions. Our students, as with all Cruisers, are valuable and we take our responsibilities to serve, support, and inspire them seriously. Your partnership in the education of our students is vital to their success and our success as a school. 

I’m very much looking forward to an exciting year ahead, full of opportunities for our students!

It’s Great To Be A Cruiser!

Mr. Matt Misener




Matthew Misener
Matthew Misener